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Hi, I'm Romina!


I'm a personal trainer from New York City who transitioned into online coaching, living my dream life in Costa Rica.

I began my fitness career in 2014 working for the city's most prominent gyms, and mentoring under the some of the most brilliant minds in the industry. My enthusiasm for attending continuing education courses and industry conferences allowed me to thrive in my skill sets quickly, and within a few years I found myself able to apply advanced, unique principles to the way I coached exercise.


The educators and mentors who molded me as a coach ultimately led to incredible results not just in my clients' general fitness, but through way of postural changes, sleep improvements, and long-term resolution of bodily pains that were otherwise written off by doctors as "incurable." By 2020 the value of my services had surpassed that of the gyms I operated out of, and so I branched off to work independently, founding #SkilledStrong and continuing to train clients in NYC.


When the pandemic hit shorty after, it became challenging to work with clients in person. The world had changed and I was no longer happy in New York, but I was certain that I would somehow continue training clients and thriving in this work I loved. With gyms closed, I began offering my coaching services online and working with people worldwide. Meeting with clients through video calls enabled me to provide the same level of personal training virtually as I had in person, which meant I didn't have to stay in NYC to make a difference in people's lives. 

As an avid solo traveler I had always escaped to the tropics whenever winter hit, and after visiting Costa Rica for a third time in 2022 I decided I was ready to fulfill my ultimate life goal of living on the beach. Today I live and work remotely from Jacó on the Central Pacific Coast where I've learned to surf, continue to train as an athlete, and take my dog for daily sunset walks ☀️


My breakthrough online coaching platform providing Strength & Performance Training for Runners of all levels; exercise programs to cure Morton's Neuroma symptoms; and home of the #SkilledStrong Runners Team Program


adjective  \ ˈskild \

1  :having acquired mastery of the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well.


adjective  \ ˈstrȯŋ \

1   :having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.

2  :able to withstand great force or pressure.

3  :having moral or intellectual power and vigor

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